Cobalt is More Than a Color
Cobalt has a storied past. Cobalt has been used for over 3000 years due to its rich blue color. From Persia, Pompeii, Rome and the Tang dynasty, Cobalt was used to color jewelry, glass, and ceramics.
Even the name Cobalt is based in folklore. Cobalt is derived from the German nickname of “Goblin Ore” due to the fact that processing Cobalt ore released deadly arsenic fumes.
Today, Cobalt is a multi-million dollar industry. Domestic production and use of Cobalt for the United States of America alone was estimated at $575 million in 2017.
Cobalt has many applications. Cobalt is often used to produce strong alloys resistant to heat and corrosion, and to produce strong magnets. These characteristics – heat resistant, corrosion resistant and magnetic qualities – make Cobalt a key component in building today’s batteries. Cobalt has become a “big” item in investment and business news.
Taken From the Headlines
“Soaring cobalt prices force Samsung SDI to mine metal from old phones“
Is the Cobalt industry is heating-up? Answer, it requires more research.
Additional References:
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The future of intelligent energy is where smart technology meets smart solutions. SeaQuest Capital is an independent financial research firm specializing in tomorrow’s technology solutions that utilize intelligent energy and product applications.